Nick Warburton Anxiety & TraumaSpecialist

Your Nervous System in Danger

October 18, 20241 min read

Experiencing anxiety, stress, phobias or trauma?

Your brain reacts to a perceived threat and triggers the Sympathetic Nervous System. This instantly creates your feelings and responses like a knotted stomach, dry mouth, on edge, hard to sleep or relax and have shallow breathing. It's there to protect you momentarily until the perceived threat passes. My infographic shows all that is happening in your body.

When you experience anxiety or trauma your brain leaves this system switched on when it shouldn't be. Think of it like leaving a light on in a room you aren't in. It's on, of no benefit, using up energy and is probably costing you!! Sometimes it even decides to increase the brightness, just in case..! Your brain perceives that you are still in that room and so need the light on, possibly for years and even decades.

Allow me to assist and I'll access your Parasympathetic Nervous System. We can then switch that unnecessary light off, remove all those stressed feelings and improve your wellbeing.

It can be that quick too. Bear in mind when your brain interpreted what it considered a threat or trauma it happened in an instant and clicked the light switch on. Let's switch your unnecessary light off just as quick.

I offer a free 20 mins discovery call, where we can find the best solution for you. Have a look at my website, email or message me and you'll see what can be done.

nick @

#lightswitch #wellbeing #friday #nervous #flickoftheswitch #lightsoff

Sympathetic Nervous System in Trauma & Anxiety

Nick Warburton is a certified practitioner who works with individuals to assist them in improving their mindset and to quit vaping. Nick works with clients by using particular methods to remove root causes from their brain and alter their neuro-pathways. This means that he can remove anxiety, stop addictions and create a positive change in life. He is very passionate about this, along with his love for photography, baking and has petrol running through his veins!

Nick Warburton

Nick Warburton is a certified practitioner who works with individuals to assist them in improving their mindset and to quit vaping. Nick works with clients by using particular methods to remove root causes from their brain and alter their neuro-pathways. This means that he can remove anxiety, stop addictions and create a positive change in life. He is very passionate about this, along with his love for photography, baking and has petrol running through his veins!

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