Child Anxiety & Child Trauma

Nick Warburton - Anxiety Specialist

Easy - Comfortable - Safe

Child Anxiety & Child Trauma Treatment

Child Anxiety - Frequently Asked Questions

How to stop Child anxiety or child trauma

Does your child have anxiety or trauma?

Child anxiety, child worry and child trauma have all increased, particularly due to the pandemic. A great deal of fear and the unknown which for a child creates a traumatic time. For some children this has been a major part of their formative years and the sustained fear has created many issues. As a parent or family member, seeing your child who worries about everything can be distressing and may create a feeling of frustration or a feeling of being helpless to comfort the child and make them feel better. This ripple effect then affects others within the family too.

It's important for everyone to understand that there are solutions for child anxiety and please do not despair. Assistance is always available. Nick Warburton spent 20 years in the education sector teaching thousands of children, teenagers and young adults, encountering many situations. This, along with his certificated practitioner and trainer qualifications, his experience and specialism in anxiety enables him to answer your frequently asked questions about child anxiety and worry and create the best solution for your child.

child anxiety therapy near me

Child anxiety and child worry can stem from trauma

Child Anxiety FAQs

What are childhood anxiety disorders?

Childhood Anxiety Disorders are the different types of anxiety that a child may experience. The most common Child Anxiety Disorders are:

General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) - When there is an everyday anxiety or worry over a variety of issues.

Separation Anxiety - Being away (separated) from a key person such as a parent or loved one who the child is attached to.

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) - This often contains or creates a higher level of anxiety or worry about many situations.

ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) - A child's ASD can increase the likelihood and level of anxiety and their reactions to it.

Epigenetic Anxiety - The child has anxiety programmed into them via their DNA due to a parent carrying the gene.

Vicarious Anxiety - The child has learnt to be anxious due to a parent or person of influence displaying anxiety. This creates a learned pattern of behaviour in the child.

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What does child anxiety look like?

Child anxiety or child worry can take many forms. The child can become agitated with shallow breathing that may be increased in rate. They can also become reserved as they try to hide their anxiety or emotions, avoiding any interaction. There may be a trigger that causes them to suddenly become agitated or emotional while they display the 'fight or flight' response.

Other symptoms can be a change in appetite, self-harming or an increase in OCD (Obsessive Compulsion Disorder). Sleep can be affected as the child can over-think situations. This lack of sleep can lead to tiredness and lethargy, so an indicator may be regular yawning and lower than normal energy levels.

Remember that the child may not understand what is happening to them, so it is important to empathise with them. Creating a scene that draws attention to their situation may make it worse. It can be difficult to spot the signs and so do not force the issue with the child. Support and understanding is vital to prevent further issues or an increase in severity of symptoms. Use the anxiety checklist that's available to download on the Resources page to assist you recognising potential child anxiety.

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What causes child anxiety?

Anxiety is a reaction to an event that was perceived as traumatic. Anxiety is the brain's defence mechanism turned up to high-sensitivity. Think of it as a radar of safety that is scanning for anything that can be seen as a potential threat to being 'safe'. When anxious, the radar is analysing every little thing, just in case there's the potental for danger and then creating the worst case scenario. This means that the child is on high alert and has stress chemicals being released by the brain in preparation of having to fight or flight.

Anticipatory anxiety is the fear of 'what might be' and is in the future, rather than what is happening 'in the now'.

As a child grows, they encounter changes in their body during puberty. This can create further stress due to hormone changes and may amplify a situation. Situations that you may perceive in life as normal, they may be experiencing for the first time and this can create discomfort, stress or trauma.

Watch The Trauma Tree video as this will help you to understand more about child anxiety.

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Does child anxiety go away?

Yes and No, but it depends... Everyone is different and unique, so there are a few factors on whether and how easily the child anxiety goes away. It depends on the nature of the anxiety, the child's age, the severity of the anxiety and trauma and also what is required to enable the child to overcome the anxiety. If it is short-term and mild, then there is the potential for the anxiety to dissipate by itself. How long this takes will vary.

If the child anxiety or trauma is deep rooted, then the likelihood of it going away is highly unlikely and if there is no intervention, then that trauma can stay throughout their life and can cause other issues or be manifested as Eating disorders, change in temperament or change in personality. This is known as the refractory period.

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Can child anxiety be treated?

Yes it can. There are a variety of methods available depending on the child's situation, age and nature of the issue. These range from GP/Doctor referral and medication to a multitude of different therapies and methodologies. The most important factor when choosing a treatment is what the child is comfortable with that isn't going to distress them further or cause other issues. Some methodologies may cause the child to re-live or recount the trauma, some may not actually remove or release the trauma and may only teach 'coping mechanisms', which means they continue to carry the issue. How effective is it? Some may take a multitude of sessions and some may have a long waiting list before being seen through the 'usual' channels. Bear in mind that a child's concept of time can be much greater than ours. When you were a child, how long did the summer holidays, Christmas or a celebration seem to take to come around?! How long must a child wait before their trauma and anxiety can be taken away? Ideally look for a rapid and effective treatment that doesn't cause distress.

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How to treat child anxiety naturally?

It is certainly possible to to treat child anxiety naturally. There are a variety of treatments, therapies and methods available. These will all happen without the need for medication, however, your Doctor/GP may prescribe based on the situation.

There are talking based therapies, Counselling, Hypnosis and CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy). You may wish to assess them all to decide if these are an appropriate fit for your anxious child.

Naturally, on this page, the passion is with the work that I do and have done with children from 9 years old upwards. The method I use and qualified in to Trainer level (1 of only 5 licensed trainers in the world) is wonderful for children. I limit the waiting time as much as possible by giving a child priority. I understand children, having taught so many in my previous career in education. I make the session as easy and effortless as possible and get the work done as quickly as we can, often we are done in just one session. Another benefit for any child and family with child trauma is that I can be just as effective working with them via video call, so they can feel safe being at home. This means that it keeps distress to a minimum. The methods are rapid and effective. The child has experienced enough suffering and trauma. There's no way they should experience any additional trauma or distress. I do my best to use humour and fun within the session as this enables barriers to be lowered.

I wrote a children's story, 'Timid Turtle & His Bag Of Worries' which contains a simple method to aid the removal or relief of child worry or child anxiety. Be sure to check the Phuntec website (you'll find the link in the menu) and download your free e-book, mp3 or free audiobook. There's even a complete school's lesson pack so it can be taught in the classroom. We just ask for a donation to our adopted charity. You are welcome to try the story in the first instance.

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Stop Child Anxiety - Video - Nick Warburton

How to stop child anxiety?

If you have read the Child Anxiety FAQs you should have some more idea and understanding about what your child is experiencing and what can be done to alleviate their situation. Children have a difficult time as it is when growing up, trying to find their place and understanding what is happening in the world. Childhood is very different these days in comparison to our own (sometimes that's a good thing!). There are so many other influences including the relentless media and social media. It can be an information overload in a time when they are just trying to understand who they are themselves. Is it any wonder child anxiety and child worry are on the increase?

When talking about child anxiety and child worry, it is important to recognise that this will always create a ripple effect. Parents, guardians and loved ones often suffer the impact of child anxiety too. It can be very distressing and frustrating to the parents to see their own child suffering and possibly not knowing what to do. Hence the reason for this page to assist you to understand more about child anxiety and child worry and that it is possible to stop child anxiety.

A child's health can also be affected due to the amount of Cortisol (the bad, stress-related chemical) their body releases when feeling anxious or worrying. This stress chemical can lead to other health issues and can create the environment for the susceptibility to illness and disease. Their sleep is likely to be affected too, so they become more tired and this then makes them more susceptible to being irritable/emotional, making poor decisions and more anxious. They can often get 'Brain-fog' which slows their thinking or creates confusion.

There are many different methods to treat anxiety, some natural, some taught in systems like CBT or Counselling (something that a school CAMHS may offer or refer to), of 'coping' techniques. However, in my opinion, 'coping' is not enough and not the right solution. Why should a child have to 'cope'?! I see many people or 'experts' talking about 'Coping Mechanisms'. To me, that isn't enough for your child. I'm here to enable your child to be supported, rapidly and effectively and stop the downward spiral. There are various other methods available in the therapies world to 'cope' with the child's situation. Often prescribed medication has been issued or perhaps numerous CBT or counselling sessions. However, I firmly believe these are not ideal for a child who is still growing physically and mentally. Medication isn't always the answer, especially long-term, so I look to create a solution of removing the child's trauma so there's no longer a need or reason to 'cope'. Then a Doctor or GP may assess and consider the child's medication as no longer necessary. The body contains its own amazing chemistry set, so let's access and utilise those in the best way while altering and improving your child's neuro-pathways too.

Counselling or CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) for 'coping' with anxiety, stress and panic attacks, in my personal opinion, does not remove the root cause from where it is attached in the child's brain (the right hemisphere). The child may end up having numerous sessions with them where they are made to repeatedly relive the traumatic 'event'. This technique for children breaks my heart. Why would you want to relive that event over and over again in a counselling session when that is what is causing the suffering and distress in the first place?! Talking therapies have limited effectiveness and limited longevity, as they simply don't shift the trauma that is residing in the child' brain. I'm sure you will agree that we want the child's trauma, anxiety and panic attacks gone as soon as possible! The child has been through more than enough already with their trauma and situation.

Let's work together to make a difference.

Being in control of your thoughts and emotions enables you to focus on the rest of your life. The fact that you are at my website and taking the time to read this information means that you actively want positive changes for your child's life. The great thing is that now you are here, you have already started that decision process, so let's work together now to rapidly remove your child's trauma and enable them to grow and develop without distress or anxiety and lead their life and childhood as it should be; trauma free.

We can rapidly and effectively remove their trauma and alter the thought loops or neuro-pathways in their brain. Have a look at my information videos and info sheets on the Resources page and learn more about how we can achieve this and stop their child anxiety and then you can contact me to make a start.

I strive to improve my client's life in our session. I trained to be a Certificated Practitioner of Psy-TaP Treatment, which means I can rapidly eradicate or alleviate your child's anxiety, stress or trauma issues, often in just one session. I have worked with children who have had anxiety and panic attacks with great success.

I can fully understand and sympathise with people's personal issues around these distressing barriers. Therefore, I'm able to tailor-make, what I feel, is the best possible treatment to address your child's situation and needs. I can work with children via video call to rapidly take their distress, fears, anxiety or other traumatic issues away and then create a new confidence in them. Would you like that to happen for your child too?

Just suppose that they no longer had the issue...

How would they feel to be free of their child anxiety or child worry? What would they now be able to achieve? How would it positively change their life? How would you now feel too?

We can work together to make these positive changes happen. I can work with children and teenagers online via video call, as it really doesn't matter where you are in the world. As I tell my clients, "There's always a way".

I love seeing the rapid and positive change in clients when we work together and your case may be no exception. The key factor is to remove the root cause of your child's anxiety. Watch my information video about 'The Trauma Tree', below and it should then make more sense as to what is happening to them, how their emotions are being driven and why what I do when working with them in my session is so very rapid and effective.

The Trauma Tree Video

What's involved in working with me?

Once we have booked the session which will be via video call, we will work together to remove the trauma and root cause. We can often be done in just one session of about 90 mins, although I try to make this even quicker or may split it to minimise the time your child is in the session. In my session you and your child will understand what happens in their mind to cause the feelings they have. We will do the appropriate treatment process and then I will teach them and you how to maintain a great life and a positive mindset with their bespoke, ongoing neuro-health regime of brain exercises. These only take about 5 minutes in their day, yet create great mental wellbeing and resilience for now and the future.

Psy-TaP is a highly effective and rapid method of treatment and I'm very proud to be a Certificated Practitioner and a qualified Trauma Release Trainer. Psy-TaP is not just another hypnotherapy, CBT or counselling method. It's about rapidly removing the child's trauma (the root cause), separating the emotions from the event and banishing the heightened defensive responses such as fears, anxiety and panic attacks. As you'll probably now be aware, I am very passionate about my work and love to see people overcome their psychological barriers. I get to be the first person to see their smiling face after the treatment session (a perk of the job for me!). You'll get to see it too! It can be quite a special moment.

Payment for treatment is safe and secure via BACS transfer or PayPal. I offer a premium service and I'm confident you will see the value in the child being able to be back in control of their thoughts, emotions and to feel calm again. How much have you already spent in time and money on books, treatments, counselling, subscriptions and supplements to try to achieve to stop anxiety and have a low-stress or trauma-free life and yet still couldn't find the solution? How much value is there in your child not having the trauma or child anxiety anymore once you've worked with me?

The benefits of working with me are that the treatment is rapid, effective and they will feel an improvement the same day. Your child will feel lighter as the weight of the issue/trauma is taken away from them and off their shoulders. By all means look at any alternative therapy and treatments out there, however, may I suggest you ask/check how long their course of treatment takes, the waiting time, their proven effectiveness and is there any supporting evidence. I am happy and able to support my methods with scientific and factual evidence. Have a look at the wonderful feedback that I'm proud and honoured to have been given by my previous clients on my Testimonials page.

What's the next step?

Please feel free to get in contact, either by email or phone. There is the option to book a free 20 minute consultation call. We can discuss, in confidence, the best solution for you and your child and then potentially book a suitable date and time for their treatment session. Having the versatility of their session via video call (Zoom or Skype) enables it to fit in with you, no matter where you are in the world, so that your child feels that it is easy, comfortable and safe.

I look forward to hearing from you. Let's take the next step... Click the Contact Nick button, below.

N. Warburton ©2023

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