Life Empowerment Programme

1 to 1 With Nick Warburton

Premium 6 month Bespoke Personal Development Programme for those wanting to go from Good to Great

Start Shaping Your New Life Today

Life Empowerment Programme

More than just Life Coaching

"To achieve greatness, start where you are, use what you have, do what you can." - Arthur Ashe.

Nick Warburton loves to see people's greatness. It shows a person pushing forward, no matter how big or small that is.

Nick originally trained as an automotive engineer and worked in motorsport. He saw firsthand how working together, refining skills and seeking solutions enabled greatness. He experienced this as a part of a national winning team and at this early stage in his career enabled a specific outlook. Through time as an educator, Nick continued to enable others to realise their potential. Some students had already been 'written off' by their previous schooling or peers. Nick took great pleasure in proving the opposite and seeing them realise their potential. Success continues to be a passion for Nick.

How do you benefit?

If you are reading this then you are likely to be considering making changes in your life. Things haven't worked out as hoped, or you feel that there is more to life than you currently have. Perhaps you keep missing out on opportunities as your self-confidence holds you back. Whatever the challenge is that faces you, there is a way forward. Having someone like Nick on hand to help find your true potential, for you to grow and achieve means that you aren't trying to do it alone or without the correct knowledge and tools. This means that your confidence grows and so you see things differently. When that happens a new clarity becomes apparent and you can see yourself in a different, better light. This then projects out in what Nick calls 'the ripple effect'.

You can't build or fix something if you don't have the tools.

You will learn about yourself, learn how/why people behave as they do, learn techniques to fast track and learn confidence. These are the tools you need and these are what you get, working with Nick. Personal development is a great way to fast-track your ability to be successful.

Barriers can be internal or external. Either way, they have to be moved!

Nick has worked with a variety of clients to empower them to move forwards. For some, it may be small adjustments and changes in beliefs. For others, it may have to be more in-depth and allow them to discover their greatness. Each client is different and so their Life Empowerment Programme is different. Nick tailor-makes the Life Empowerment Programme to their needs and character."

Nobody said it was going to be easy!

"When I choose to work with a client, I am there to push them forwards. I like to do it in a way that best suits them, but that doesn't mean I am always soft or that you won't like what I say. I have to be firm but fair. If it was easy, you would have already done it! I'm here to move your comfort zone. I have been there myself and know how it can feel, so I take that on board and create a way forward where you come along on the adventure willingly."

Move Comfort Zones -Personal development

Tailor-made to your needs

The quantity and time frame of your programme will be discussed to ensure it suits your end goal. Once the solution for you is agreed upon, payment is in advance to create commitment. When signed up, you are already on the road to greatness as you start to learn about yourself and others. The monthly online sessions are for 6 months and are bespoke around the life you want to achieve. No two programmes are the same.

Life Coaching has become a cliché

"I have seen and encountered many 'Life coaches' and it sadly seems to have become a dilute industry with little effect or cookie-cutter systems. That frustrates me as everyone is different and learns in different ways. I use my 20 years in education to apply effective methods to my client. People learn in different ways and so I adapt my delivery to suit. I do my work in my unique way and it gets results and wonderful feedback. If I teach you the tools you need in a way that suits you, then you become self-managed and self-motivated.""I love what I do. I always strive to create solutions for people and I use all my skills and Psy-TaP to enable me to rapidly remove the inner barriers, voices or trauma that prevent people moving forwards. To see my client become relaxed in their new comfort zone, their issues treated and their self-confidence escalate is extremely rewarding and satisfying. I'm able to do that, not only in person, but via Zoom or Skype too which is wonderful!"

Limited spaces available

Nick is selective with whom he works and only has a few places available per year. This premium programme is not for everyone and so is why Nick ensures that he works with the right people who will commit to what is needed to get the results they desire.

"Am I the cheapest? Absolutely not! The Life Empowerment Programme is about mutual commitment. I want you to achieve what you want. That takes time, energy and preparation from the two of us. I have worked with various clients up to high-end, Emmy-Nominated individuals. Each client gets equal commitment and energy and hence why I limit how many I work with."

You will find Nick is a calm, positive individual with great empathy and humour and who has a way to make you feel very at ease while pushing you forward. Having been through issues himself in the past, he can understand and relate to what it is like to have personal issues, barriers and challenges. His treatment sessions are light and don't have to be a harrowing drawn-out experience like some other programmes. This means that the fast and effective training from Nick Warburton and Psy-TaP both inspires and empowers the client, normally with them finishing with a big smile and a new life ahead! Bish, Bash Bosh, Job done! No fluff, no B.S., just what you need.

You can read the many happy testimonies Nick has from his various clients on the Testimonials page to see the difference he can make to your life.

Contact him now to apply to be considered for his Life Empowerment Programme.

Life Empowerment Programme

Life Empowerment Programme is a 6 month package for anyone who is really serious about making sizable changes in their life that will enable them to live life to the full in health, home life and career.

This premium programme has been used successfully with people from normal walks of life, people in the entertainment sector, to Emmy-nominated persons who want to go even further and become greater on their journey of success. Contact Nick now and find out more detail about the benefits of the Life Empowerment Programme.

Monthly sessions + support

Learn about human behaviour

Remove any personal barriers and challenges

Client specific scenarios analysed with solutions

Preparation and support for scenarios/events

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